Why cabbage?

It has been known for centuries that cabbage has many health benefits especially with regards to skin.

Cabbage leaves are known to have natural anti-inflammatory properties and have been used to relieve full breasts after giving birth, during breastfeeding or to help suppress milk production. Cabbage leaves are rich in properties which can reduce pain and swelling or its shape, resembling a breast, makes it ideal for creating a compress. In many European and Asian cultures having a head of cabbage in the fridge waiting represents being ready to start motherhood, it is a must-have for preparation on par with a hospital bag. 

Also Baby Centre and Pampers list chilled cabbage leaves as one of popular home remedies used for breast engorgement.  

Due to its popularity as a natural treatment, cabbage has been a subject of many research studies. For further reading you can follow this link for a study which examined the effectiveness of cabbage leaf treatment on pain and hardness of the engorged breasts of post-partum women. Below there will be other similar articles on studies conducted where cabbage leaves have been used as breast compress. 

As cabbage has high anti-inflammatory powers, its leaves have been also used in treating bruised skin, joint pain and swelling.


The NHS website suggests application of chilled cabbage leaves to breasts after feeding or expressing to reduce the pain and swelling

 Impressive Health Benefits of Cabbage:

  contains antioxidants

  packed with vitamin C, K and A

  includes Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium

 contains micronutrients including iron and riboflavin.

So why not try our version of cabbage in a jar? 

Simple, effective and convenient...


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