Our story

We are a team of two women who know how tender breasts can be. Because, let's be honest, if you have breasts, you know they sometimes hurt. We both come from Poland, " the land of cabbage", a place where everyone believes in natural powers of cabbage. 

Many women believe that placing cold cabbage leaves on the breasts is helpful to ease the discomfort of heavy breasts. That method is especially favoured by new mothers. And yes, we have used them ourselves, many, many times.

With three beautiful girls and over 5 years of breastfeeding I can call myself a breastfeeding expert. On many occasions, during my breastfeeding journey, I have experienced sore, tender, hard breasts. To help soothe them, I have applied a compress of crashed cooled cabbage leaves and it has worked wonders for me as it has for many other mothers. But the mess of shredded cabbage leaves and the stains on the bra - it was just too much! - Agnieszka 

So, we have embarked on a journey of finding a way to bottle all the goodness cabbage has in a small jar. With the help of researchers and chemists we have designed a gel that is easy to apply, quick to absorb and provides an instant cooling effect. We are using a cabbage leaf extract patented by a Polish Institute which provides a calming effect, plus DEFENSIL®-PLUS revitalises the skin through a powerful composition of plant extracts and oils, with menthyl and peppermint providing a cooling result for your breasts.

We hope you will try our product and discover this simple, effective and time saving gel to care for your breasts.