Cabbage Breast Compress

Tender, sore breasts are a signature symptom of early pregnancy when hormones run wild in woman’s body. In later stages and especially a day or two after giving birth, breasts become full, sometimes painful and rock hard. It’s because milk comes through and needs time to be regulated. Intending to breastfeed or not, still there is no running away from those engorged breasts. Nevertheless, there is a simple, widely popular and regarded home remedy in the form of white cabbage. Placing clean cooled cabbage leaves directly on the skin is a time-tested treatment. The leaves are rich in properties which can help reduce pain and swelling and the shape, resembling a breast, makes it ideal for creating a compress. In many European and Asian cultures when your due date comes closer, you just make sure there is a cabbage head waiting in your fridge. It's nature at its best, maybe except the smell. 

From the research conducted, cabbage leaves compress on breasts may be effective in the treatment of breast engorgement. However, there is not enough evidence to suggest widespread implementation. Like with many home remedies, you just need to try and decide for yourself.

If you are intrigued and want to prepare a cabbage breast compress, go to our Blog to follow few easy steps.

For additional reading, check:

  1. The effectiveness of cabbage leaf application (treatment) on pain and hardness in breast engorgement and its effect on the duration of breastfeeding
  2. Treatments for breast engorgement during lactation