How to apply a cabbage compress to relieve breast engorgement?

How to apply a cabbage compress to relieve breast engorgement?

Breastfeeding, as beautiful as it is, has its own share of hurdles: cracked nipples, engorged breasts and painful mastitis. 

Thankfully, there are some natural remedies you can make yourself and use at home as our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers ...  

One of them, and let's add the most widely used and regarded, is white cabbage, because its leaves are rich in properties which can reduce pain and swelling and the shape, resembling a breast, makes it ideal for creating a compress. This wonderful vegetable is packed with antioxidants, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, riboflavin and vitamins C, K and A. In many European and Asian cultures having a head of cabbage in the fridge waiting represents being ready to start motherhood, it is a must have for preparation on par with a hospital bag. 

So how to prepare a compress in a few easy steps: 

1. Pull off several, fresh inner leaves

2. Wash and dry them 

3. Place in the fridge to achieve the cooling effect (an idea: you could place them in the fridge before feeding and use them when your baby finishes)

4. Crash the leaves slightly to break up the veins 

5.  Place the leaves on the breast but not the nipple (to avoid bra stains place the leaves on cling film, and then on the breast, to create a protective barrier) 

6. Keep for 15 to 20 min or less, dispose of once they get warm 

Keep the remaining cabbage in the fridge for later use.

                             Cabbage compress 

BE CAREFUL because overuse of cabbage leaves can decrease milk supply!

Remember, using cabbage leaves on breasts may relieve symptoms but won’t cure the infection, don't hesitate to contact your doctor when needed or unsure.  

You could save your time and avoid the mess by trying our Calming Cabbage Breast Gel which is rich in cabbage leaf extract. 

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